- Title
DRIFT-HDV: DecaRbonisation Irish HDV FleeT
- Start Date:
September 2022
- End Date:
February 2024
- Funding Body:
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland and the Department of Transport Coordinator
- Project Partners:
Trinity College Dublin
- Principal Investigators:
Bidisha Ghosh, Brian Ó Gallachóir
- Project Manager:
- Research Area:
- Website:
The road freight sector faces significant challenges in decarbonisation, driven by growing activity, high energy demand and limited availability of low-emission fuels and commercialised zero-emission vehicles. This study investigates future pathways for the decarbonisation of light, medium and heavy trucks. The analysis incorporates all capital and operational costs for advanced electric and hydrogen-powered trucks as well as intangible costs associated with increased recharging time, cargo capacity limitations, and buyer reluctance towards emerging technologies. TIMES-Ireland Model, a whole-systems modelling framework, is employed to find cost-optimal mitigation pathways. The model incorporates inter-sectoral dynamics and ensures compliance with Ireland’s carbon budgets and net-zero targets.
Work Packages
WP1: Project Management
WP1 ensures the smooth running of the project and facilitate the integration of its activities, timely delivery of high-quality project outputs, production of high-quality documentation and dissemination materials, and dissemination of project results to a wider audience leading to a successful completion of the project within the allocated time by facilitating coordination among consortia members, WP leaders and synergy between WPs.
WP2: Decarbonisation options for the Irish HDV sector
WP2 focuses on identifying the state-of-the-art on decarbonisation methods of HDV fleets employed in Europe and globally to reduce vehicular emissions. Further, it focuses on establishing the existing and projected demands and impacts in Irish HDV sector utilising the results of MAPHDV, ECOHDV and UCC-HDV projects. Lastly, the suitable decarbonisation options for Irish HDV fleet will be investigated through an expert survey.
WP3: Potential of Electrification of Irish HDV fleet
WP3 focuses on the technical feasibility, potential impacts, sustainability, and cost-benefit analysis of electrification under Business-as-Usual scenario and projected HDV demand for 2030 and 2050 with changes in current technology, improved vehicles, combined improved vehicles and charging, and full electrification.
WP4: Electric Roads Systems (ERSs) for Irish HDV sector
WP4 focuses on the technical feasibility, potential impacts, sustainability, and cost-benefit analysis of Electric Road Systems (ERS) under Business-as-Usual scenario and projected HDV demand for 2030 and 2050 with changes in existing road and overhead catenary (OC) technology, combined OC-hybrid EV and BEV, and improved OC-hybrid EV.
WP5: Potential of alternative fuels for Irish HDV sector
WP5 focuses on the technical feasibility, potential impacts, sustainability, and cost-benefit analysis of alternative fuels. The alternative fuels considered are Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (HV0), biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas, natural gas (CNG and/or LNG), synthetic fuels, and alternative powertrains (eg: Hydrogen fuel cell).
WP6: Comparison summary, guidelines and recommendations
WP6 focuses on the comparison of the decarbonisation options and the development of policy guidelines for decarbonisation of Irish HDV sector. Further, the focus will be on the preparation of draft final report and the organisation of workshops.
Policy Brief
Vahid Aryanpur & Fionn Rogan, How to Decarbonise Trucks in Ireland?
Aryanpur, Vahid, and Fionn Rogan. “Decarbonising road freight transport: The role of zero-emission trucks and intangible costs.” Nature Scientific Reports 14.1 (2024): 2113.
Vahid Aryanpur & Fionn Rogan, Energy in Transport Forum, Meath, Ireland, 02/2024, “Insights from Irish Energy Systems Modelling on Decarbonising Road Freight and the Impact of Intangible Costs” [link]
Vahid Aryanpur, National Energy Research and Policy Conference, Online SEAI Event, 09/2023, “Insights from Irish Energy Systems Modelling on Decarbonising Road Freight and the Impact of Intangible Costs” [link]
Vahid Aryanpur & Fionn Rogan, IEA-ETSAP Workshop, Golden, Colorado, USA, 06/2023,“Insights from Irish energy systems modelling on decarbonising road freight and the impact of intangible costs” [link]
Vahid Aryanpur & Fionn Rogan, 11th MaREI Climate & Energy Research Seminar, ESRI, Dublin, Ireland 05/2023,“ How do cargo capacity, refuelling time, and hurdle rates impact the decarbonisation of trucks in Ireland?” [link]