
- Title
- Start
1st Aug 2018
- End
31st July 2020
- Research Partner/Host
MaREI, the SFI Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine, ERI, UCC, Ireland
- Industry Partners
DP Energy Ireland, Equinor ASA, Enerco Energy, Statkraft Ireland, Brookfield Renewable Ireland, EDP Renewables, SSE Renewables, Simply Blue Energy, ENGIE, and Electricity Supply Board (ESB)
- Principal Investigators
- Project Manager
EirWind is a MaREI Centre industry-led collaborative research project, aimed at developing a blueprint for offshore wind development in Ireland. This two-year, multidisciplinary project focused on:-
The development of Geographic Information Systems, data gap analysis, new data layers and recommendations for data in the study of strategic areas for offshore wind, off Ireland’s east, south and west coasts (WP2).
Improvement of cost optimization tools and cost reduction solutions, in order to develop an advanced approach to planning for bottom fixed and floating offshore wind scenarios in Ireland (WP3).
Review the challenges associated with consenting offshore wind projects and make recommendations for stakeholder engagement, including fisheries. Assess seabird vulnerability and review impacts on fisheries and marine mammals (WP4).
Identify options for route to market for offshore wind in Ireland (WP5).
Research synthesis (WP6).
Work Packages
Research Team
Work package 2: Data management for site evaluation
- Prof. Andrew Wheeler (WP Leader)
- Dr Jared Peters, Postdoctoral Researcher
- Felix Butschek, GIS Researcher
- Ross O’Connell, MSc researcher (Former member)
- Tiny Remmers, GIS Research Assistant (Former member)
WP3: Development optimisation for Cost Reduction
- Dr Jimmy Murphy (WP Leader)
- Dr Fiona Devoy McAuliffe, Senior Postdoctoral Researcher
- Dr Cian Desmond, Research Fellow
- Dr Frances Judge, Postdoctoral Researcher
- Mr Prasad Gade, Senior Software Engineer (Former member)
- Rachel Chester, Research Engineer (Former member)
WP4: Governance and Biological
- Dr Valerie Cummins (WP Leader)
- Dr Mark Jessopp (WP Co-Leader, Biological)
- Dr Declan Jordan (WP Co-Leader, Socio and Spatial Economics)
- Yvonne Cronin, Researcher
- Dr Sarah Kandrot, Postdoctoral Researcher
- Dr Mitra Kami Delivand, Senior Postdoctoral Researcher
- Michael Sweeney, Researcher
- Dr Anne Marie O’Hagan, Senior Research Fellow (Adjunct member)
- Zoe O’Hanlon, Researcher (Adjunct member)
- Dr Emma Jane Critchley, Postdoctoral Researcher (Former member)
- William Hunt, Researcher (Former member)
WP5: Markets, infrastructures and economic benefits
- Dr Paul Leahy (WP Leader)
- Dr Eamon McKeogh (Energy Market and Storage Technical specialist)
- Dr Nguyen Dinh (WP Co-Leader)
- Jochelle Laguipo, Researcher
- Pedro Pereira, Researcher
- Barry Bambury, Researcher
WP6: Synthesis
- Dr Valerie Cummins (WP Co-Leader)
- Dr Jimmy Murphy (WP Co-Leader)
- Dr Eamon McKeogh (Consultant)
- Dr Nguyen Dinh, Senior Research Fellow
The following deliverables (D) and milestones (M) have been achieved (by 11th of June 2020):
WP1: Project management
- M1.1.1 Project consortium meeting in Cork, 30th August 2018
- M1.1.2 Project consortium meeting in Cork, 29th November 2018
- M1.1.3 Project consortium meeting in Dublin, 31st January 2019.
- M1.1.4 Project consortium meeting in Cork, 02ndMay 2019.
- EirWind Networking Event, 10th June 2019
- D1.1 Interim MaREI project admin report
- M1.2.1 Project consortium meeting in Cork, 27th August 2019.
- M1.2.2 Project consortium meeting in Cork, 28th November 2019
- M1.2.3 Project consortium meeting in Cork, 11th March 2020
- M1.2.4 Project consortium meeting (virtual), 28th May 2020
WP2: Data management for site evaluation
- D2.1 Data Resources Assessment—Phase 1 (Data Requirements, Gap analysis and Strategic Plan)
- D2.2 Field Measurement Plan 1
- D2.3 Data Set Release 1 (Open GIS), in accordance with data standards, and as per the requirements of the industry partners.
- M2.1 Review & Revision of Progress & Work Plan
- M2.2 Interim Data Report
- D2.4 Data Resources Assessment—Phase 2 report on 3-4 development zones
- D2.5 Field Measurement Plan 2
WP3: Development optimisation for Cost Reduction
- M3.1 First round of scenario building workshops (for each study site)
- D3.1 Initial issues report on Offshore Wind farm Development in Ireland.
- M3.2 Second round of scenario modelling consultations (for each study site).
- M3.3 Review & Revision of Progress & Work Plan
- D3.2 Modelling tool description (after completion of development) and application to various scenarios at generic site locations on east, south and west coasts.
- D3.3 Report on optimization analysis in relation to zone development.
WP4: Governance and Biology
- D4.1 Stakeholder map.
- D4.2 Report – Recommendations for innovation and best practice in support of approaches to stakeholder engagement in the study areas.
- D4.3 Comparative analysis of regulatory regime Ire/Scotland
- D4.4 Stakeholder Perceptions Report 1
- M4.1 1st report 1 of stakeholder engagement and perception studies
- M4.2 Review & Revision of Progress & Work Plan.
- D4.6 Interim report on models for community co-ownership (including best practice in terrestrial and international cases)
- D4.7 Stakeholder Perceptions Report 2.
- M4.3 2nd report of stakeholder engagement and perception studies
- D4.10 Socio-economic study
- M4.4 Methodology outline and scenario identification on mitigation of impacts of offshore wind farms on seabirds
- D4.11 Initial report on methodology for the assessment of seabird vulnerability to offshore wind farms in Ireland
- D4.12 Initial results for the assessment of seabird vulnerability to offshore wind farms in Ireland
- D4.13 Impacts from Offshore Wind Farms on Marine Mammals and Fish – A review of the current knowledge
- M4.5 Final outputs on seabird vulnerability mapping
- D4.14 Final report on impacts of offshore wind farms on seabirds and marine mammals
WP5: Markets, infrastructures and economic benefits
- D5.1 Markets report-Identification of new and Future Markets
- D5.2 Cost/Benefit and risk analysis report.
- D5.3 Infrastructures and Storage Report 1
- D5.4 System Services Report 1
- D5.5 Demonstration Pilots design and recommendations 1
- M5.1 Report delivery
- M5.2 Review & Revision of Progress & Work Plan
- D5.7 Enhanced review of electrolyser and power-to-gas technologies with a focus on variable operation and system services
- D5.9 Report on the existing and developing interconnectors and their capacity strategies
WP6: Synthesis
- D6.1 EirWind Outreach Plan
- D6.2 Methodology for blueprint for sustainable development of offshore wind in Ireland.
- M6.3 Review & Revision of Progress & Work Plan
- M6.2 Technical Advisory Feedback Meeting for project synthesis report consultation
Project Outputs
Final project reports
V.N. Dinh, V. Cummins (Editors) (2019). D1.2. Project mid-term summary report. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3948230
J. Peters, A. Wheeler, T. Remmers, V. Cummins (2018). D2.1. Data Resources Assessment—Phase 1 (Data Requirements, Gap analysis and Strategic Plan). http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3948292
J. Peters, A. Wheeler (2018). D2.2. Field Measurement Plan 1. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3948316
J. Peters, A. Wheeler, V. Cummins. D2.4. Data Resources Assessment—Phase 2. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3948330
J. Peters, V. Cummins, A. Wheeler (2020). D2.5. Parameter Importance Survey Results and GIS Weights.
R. Chester et al. (2018). Deliverable D3.1 Initial Issues in the Development of Offshore Wind in Ireland https://www.marei.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Deliverable-D3.1-Initial-Issues-in-the-Development-of-Offshore-Wind-in-Ireland.pdf
Y. Cronin, V. Cummins (2019). D4.2. Recommended Innovation and Best Practice Stakeholder Engagement. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3947963
Z. O’Hanlon et al. (2019). Deliverable D4.3 Regulatory Report – A Comparative Insight of Irish and Scottish Regulatory Frameworks for Offshore Wind Energy – An Expert Perspective. https://www.marei.ie/wpcontent/uploads/2020/04/EirWind.D4.3_Comparative-study-Scoland-Ireland-offshore-wind_FINAL_12June.pdf
Y. Cronin, V. Cummins (2019). D4.4. Public Perception of Offshore Wind Farms Report Part 1. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3948009
Y. Cronin, E. Wolsztynzki, V. Cummins (2020). D4.7. Public Perception of Offshore Wind Farms Report Part 2.
F. Judge, V. Cummins, A. O’Hagan, J. Murphy (2020). D4.8. Study on State bandwidth for offshore wind. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3947916
S. Kandrot, V. Cummins, D. Jordan (2020). D4.10. Socio-Economic Study
E. Critchley, M. Jessopp (2019). D4.12. Initial results for the assessment of seabird vulnerability to offshore wind farms in Ireland. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3948454
W. Hunt, M. Jessopp (2019). D4.13. Impacts from Offshore Wind Farms on Marine Mammals and Fish – A review of the current knowledge. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3948460
E. Critchley, M. Jessopp (2019). D4.14. Final report on impacts of offshore wind farms on seabirds. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3948474
T. R. Evans, R. Ballinger, V. Cummins (2020). D4.15. Evaluating Offshore Wind Governance in the Irish Sea using the Policy Arrangements Approach: Lessons for the Republic of Ireland
Y. Cronin, V. Cummins, (2020). D4.16. Media Content Analysis. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3948044
N. Dinh, P. Leahy, V. Cummins, E McKeogh (2018). D5.1. Identification of new and future markets for offshore wind and hydrogen energy. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3948125
J. Laguipo, P. Leahy, V.N. Dinh, E. McKeogh (2019). D5.4. System Services Report 1. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3947973
B. Bambury, P. Leahy, V.N. Dinh, E. McKeogh (2020). D5.6. Projections for future levels of wind curtailment for market arrangements.
P.H. Todesco Pereira, P. Leahy, V.N. Dinh, E. McKeogh (2019). D5.7. Enhanced Review of Electrolyser and Power-to-Gas Technologies with a Focus on Variable Operation and System Services. http://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.3948084
J. Laguipo, P.H. Todesco Pereira, B. Bambury, P. Leahy, V.N. Dinh, E. McKeogh (2020). D5.8. Recommendation on role of government and funding mechanisms for infrastructure development.
P.H. Todesco Pereira, P. Leahy, V.N. Dinh, E. McKeogh (2020). D5.9. Report on the Existing and Developing Interconnectors and Their Capacity Strategies. http://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.3948124
J. Laguipo, B. Bambury, P. Leahy, V.N. Dinh, E. McKeogh (2020). D5.10. Full Economic analyses.
V.N. Dinh, P.H. Todesco Pereira, P. Leahy, E. McKeogh (2020). D5.11. Demonstration Pilots design and recommendations 2.
V.N. Dinh, V. Cummins, J. Murphy, E. McKeogh (2019) D6.2. Literature and Methodology for a Blueprint of Sustainable Development of Offshore Wind in Ireland. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3948113
V. Cummins, E. McKeogh (editors) (2020). D6.4. Synthesis /Blueprint 2 for Phased Approach to Sustainable Development of Offshore Wind in Ireland.
C. Desmond, F. Butschek, (2020). D6.6. EirWind Offshore Development Zones and Pathways Interviews Summary. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3935607
C. Desmond, F. Butschek, (2020). D6.7. EirWind Offshore Development Zones and Pathways Interviews Analysis.
Peer reviewed papers
- J.L. Peters, T. Remmers, A. J. Wheeler, J. Murphy, V. Cummins (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of GIS use to reveal trends in offshore wind energy research and offer insights on best practices. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 128, URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2020.109916
- Z. O’Hanlon, V. Cummins(2020). A Comparative Insight of Irish and Scottish Regulatory Frameworks for Offshore Wind Energy – An Expert Perspective. Marine Policy Vol. 117. URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2020.103934
- S. Kandrot, V. Cummins, D. Jordan(2020). Economic and employment impacts of offshore wind for Ireland: a value chain analysis. International Journal of Green Energy (https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ljge20/current) (conditionally accepted)
- P.H. Todesco Pereira, V. N. Dinh, P. Leahy, E. McKeogh, J. Murphy,V. Cummins (2020). Fuel cells suitability for zero-emission hydrogen-fuelled Crew Transfer Vessels (CTV): Technology review and recommendations. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (submitted).
- V.N. Dinh, P. Leahy, E. McKeogh, J. Murphy, V. Cummins(2020) Development of a viability assessment model for hydrogen production from dedicated offshore wind farms. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (In press) URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.04.232
- V.N. Dinh(2020). Viability of hydrogen production from a dedicated offshore wind farm-underground storage in the Irish Sea in 2030. IOP journal conference series: Materials Science and Engineering. URL: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/736/3/032009
Conference Presentation and Posters
- J.Peters*, T. Remmers, A. Wheeler (2019). Data resource assessment for offshore wind development in Ireland—preliminary results and strategies for the future (Presentation). Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC), Cork, 17 – 20 June 2019, EirWind Mini-symposium: Offshore wind in Ireland. URL: https://www.wesc2019.org/abstracts
- F. Devoy McAuliffe*, J. Murphy (2020). Reducing lifecycle and supply chains costs for Irish offshore wind farms. Offshore Wind 2020 Conference. 01 July. https://www.offshorewind.energyireland.ie/
- R. Chester, J. Murphy, V.N. Dinh* (2019). Initial Issues in the Development of Offshore Wind in Ireland (Presentation). Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC) Cork, 17 – 20 June 2019, EirWind Mini-symposium: Offshore wind in Ireland. URL: https://www.wesc2019.org/abstracts
- S. Kandrot*, V. Cummins, D. Jordan(2019). Supply chain modelling of employment potential in the Irish offshore wind sector (Presentation). 47th Regional Science Association International (RSAI) British and Irish Section Conference, Cambridge UK, 18th July 2019. (http://www.rsai-bis.org/conference-programme1.html)
- S. Kandrot*, Y. Cronin, M. Kamidelivand, E.J. Critchley, W. Hunt, D. Jordan, M.J. Jessopp, V. Cummins(2019). Social and biological considerations for offshore wind development in Ireland (Presentation). Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC), Cork, 17 – 20 June 2019, EirWind Mini-symposium: Offshore wind in Ireland. URL: https://www.wesc2019.org/abstracts
- Y. Cronin*, V. Cummins (2019). Understanding Public Perception of Offshore Wind Farms in Ireland (Poster). Wind Europe Conference and Exhibition. Bilbao, 02 – 04 April 2019, URL: https://windeurope.org/confex2019/conference/posters/
- M. Kamidelivand *, V. Cummins, J. Murphy J (2020). Offshore Wind and Fisheries – Key Stakeholder Engagement to Support Co-existence (presentation). Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewables (EIMR) 2020 Conference, April 21st-23rd 2020, Section 5: Marine policy and society. https://www.uhi.ac.uk/en/research-enterprise/events-and-seminars/eimr/eimr-2020/
- V.N. Dinh* and V. Pushpoth (2019). Viability of hydrogen production from a dedicated offshore wind farm in the Irish Sea in 2030 (Presentation), Energy Security and Chemical Engineering Congress (ESChE), Penang, Malaysia, 17-19 July 2019. URL: https://esche.ump.edu.my/index.php/en/
- J Laguipo*, P Leahy, E McKeogh, V. N. Dinh (2019). Developing offshore wind to hydrogen infrastructure in Ireland – costs, benefits and risks (Presentation). Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC) Cork, 17 – 20 June 2019, EirWind Mini-symposium: Offshore wind in Ireland, URL: wesc2019.org
- V.N. Dinh* (2018). Hydrogen Production to Support the Development of Offshore Wind. Irish Wind Energy Researchers Network Seminar (Invited Presentation), Cork, 12 December 2018. URL: https://community.ieawind.org/iwern/home
- V. Cummins* (2020). The Eirwind Project (Invited Presentation). Irish Wind Energy Research Network – Offshore Wind Webinar. URL: https://community.ieawind.org/iwern/home
- V. Cummins* (2019). The Role of Research and Innovation in building capacity for Blue Growth: The Eirwind Project (Invited Presentation). Irish Marine Industry Showcase: Smart Maritime and Offshore Wind, Cork, 11 June 2019. https://www.ouroceanwealth.ie/oow-summit
- V.N. Dinh*, J. Murphy, V. Cummins (2019). Methodology for Blueprint of sustainable development of offshore wind in Ireland (Presentation). Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC) Cork, 17 – 20 June 2019, EirWind Mini-symposium: Offshore wind in Ireland. www.wesc2019.org
- V. Cummins* (2018). EirWind Project (Invited Presentation). Norwegian Offshore Wind Workshop Ireland, Dublin, 4-5 December 2018. URL: https://offshore-wind.no/event/workshop-ireland-2/.
- T. Remmers*, J. Peters, A. Wheeler (2019). Co-designing opportunities towards the development of Irish Offshore wind Energy (Presentation). European Space Agency Living Planet Symposium. Milan, 13 – 17 May 2019 https://www.esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/Living_Planet_Symposium
- J. Peters et al. (2019). Policy Brief – Data for Offshore Wind in Ireland, URL: https://www.marei.ie/wpcontent/uploads/2020/04/D2.1_policy_brief_bleed_PartnerNames_FINAL.pdf
- J. Murphy(Interview), The Business Post, 07 April 2019. Making waves in offshore wind energy. https://www.businesspost.ie/focus-on/making-waves-offshore-wind-energy-440997
- Y. Cronin, V. Cummins (2020). MaREI survey reveals public support for offshore windfarms. https://www.siliconrepublic.com/machines/marei-survey-eirwind-public-attitude-windfarms-ireland
- V. Cummins(Interview), Irish Tech News, 17 June 2019. Presenting the EirWind Project at WESC 2019. URL: https://irishtechnews.ie/presenting-the-eirwind-project-at-wesc-2019/
- V. Cummins (Interview), Irish Examiner, 11 June 2019. Ireland emerging as attractive market for offshore wind. URL: https://www.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/ireland/ireland-emerging-as-attractive-market-for-offshore-wind-929987.html
- V. Cummins(Interview), The Independent, 09 June 2019. Power giants in wind-to-hydrogen study. URL: https://www.independent.ie/business/irish/power-giants-in-windtohydrogen-study-38194282.html
- D. Jordan, The Irish Examiner, 04 February 2019. Offshore wind can blow many benefits our way. URL: https://www.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/business/offshore-wind-can-blow-many-benefits-our-way-902042.html
- E.J. Critchley, M.J. Jessopp, V. Cummins (2019). Policy Brief – Assessing seabird vulnerability to offshore wind farms in Ireland (Resulted from Deliverable 4.11 – Initial report on methodology for the assessment of seabird vulnerability to offshore windfarms in Ireland). URL: https://www.marei.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Policy-Brief-Assessing-seabird-vulnerability-to-offshore-wind-farms-in-Ireland.pdf
- P. Leahy, V. Cummins, E. McKeogh, N. Dinh (2019). Report from EirWind’s Grid & Marine Spatial Planning Workshop. URL: https://www.marei.ie/wpcontent/uploads/2020/04/EirWind_GridMSP_Workshop_Public-Report_FINAL_07June.pdf
- EirWind response to Public Consultation on National Marine Planning Framework Baseline Report submitted to Ireland’s Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government on 14th December 2018. URL: https://www.housing.gov.ie/sites/default/files/public-consultation/files/responses/110_eirwind.pdf
- V.N Dinh, J Laguipo, P Leahy, E McKeogh (2019). Information Brief – Introduction to hydrogen (Resulted from the deliverable D5.1 – Markets report-Identification of new and Future Markets). URL: https://www.marei.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Information-Brief-Introduction-to-hydrogen.pdf
- Dr Val Cummins featured in the RTE Series 10 Things to know: Offshore Wind Season 5 Episode 1 Part 3:
EirWind Webinar
EirWind Blueprint for Offshore Wind in Ireland 2020 - 2050

Meet Our Team
MaREI has over 200 researchers across 13 partner institutes in Ireland working with 75 industry partners focussing on the energy transition, climate action and the blue economy. MaREI delivers excellent research with societal impact by supporting industry, informing policy and empowering society.