
- Title
eSurge – Earth Observation for Storm Surge Modelling and Forecasting
- Start Year
- End Year
2016 (extended)
- Funding Body
European Space Agency Data User Element Programme
- Website
- Coordinator
- Research Area
Observation & Operations, Coastal & Ocean Systems
- Core Teams Involved
Earth Observation and GIS Applications, ICT Solutions, Climate Change & Adaptation
- Key Contact
The eSurge project, funded by the European Space Agency, aims to increase the usage of satellite Earth Observation data in storm surge modelling and forecasting, by making it easier for the community to access and use this data.
The project is currently in the operational phase, with the developed system being migrated to the European Commissions Joint Research Council. It allows users easy access to a range of satellite and in-situ data sets for a selection of historical storm surge events, as well as providing data for new surge events in near real-time. A series of outreach and training events were be organised to help users to make use of the project data and tools, with participants built into a Community of Practice (the Storm Surge Network).
Staff at MaREI were responsible for the web portal development, the production of flood maps, organisation of the outreach and training activities, and consolidating and continuation of the Storm Surge Network post-eSurge.
For further information contact Rory Scarrott.