Future Earth Coasts

- Title
Future Earth Coasts
- Start Date
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- Website
Future Earth Coasts is a ‘community’ of organisations, scientists, and practitioners from all disciplines of science, engineering, the humanities, and law whose work addresses Global Environmental Change, contributes to achieving the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), and social learning.
We provide a platform for networking and delivering ‘added value’ to the outputs of our community to explore and understand the drivers and social-environmental impacts of global environmental change in coastal zones.
We aim to:
- Strengthen global partnerships between researchers, funders, and users of research
- Enable integrated research on grand challenges and transformations to sustainability
- Communicate science to society and society to science
Our vision is to support transformation to a sustainable and resilient future for society and nature on the coast by facilitating innovative, integrated, and impactful science.
Future Earth Coasts is hosted by the Centre for Marine and Renewable Energy (MaREI), our work is guided by a Scientific Steering Committee and implemented by an International Project Office.
For more information click here.
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