(GENerating energy secure COMMunities through Smart Renewable Hydrogen)
- Start year
- End year
- Coordinator
Paul McCormack
- Project Partners
National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
Belfast Metropolitan College, United Kingdom
Energia Group, United Kingdom
HyEnergy, United Kingdom
Pure Energy Centre, United Kingdom
IZES gGmbH, Germany
INSA Rouen, France
TK Renewables, United Kingdom
BURN Joint Research Group, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Principal Investigators
Dr. Rory Monaghan (National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland)
- Website
GENCOMM will address the energy sustainability challenges of NWE communities through the implementation of smart hydrogen-based energy matrixes. The project validates the maturity of hydrogen technologies by implementing 3 pilot plants that link the 3 main northwest European renewable sources (Solar Power, Wind Power, and Bioenergy) with energy storage and the main forms of energetic demand (Heat, Power and Transportation fuels). Based on the pilot plants; integrated technical and financial simulation models will be developed. Together, both models will form a Decision Support Tool (DST) that provides a roadmap for communities to transition to renewable, hydrogen-based energy matrixes. The final goal of the project is, through the combination of sources and forms of demand, to lead NWE’s road to sustainability while granting hydrogen its position as a commercially viable energy medium for the future.
GENCOMM aims to technically and financially validate the renewable H2 value chain and adapt it to a DST that leads NWE communities into sustainable, local and autonomous energy matrixes. The DST is directed to community energy stakeholders (utilities, policy-makers, and private firms in the energy sector), as the key agents to implement the proposed matrix. The project will first engage energetically and territorial remote communities to then address the rest of NWE.
The GenComm project aims include:
- Empower communities to implement hydrogen-based energy matrixes to sustainably satisfy their energy demand.
- Stimulate the uptake of renewable hydrogen-based technologies by successfully running 3 demonstration facilities.
- Establish a strong group of energy stakeholders devoted to, through the use of hydrogen, “sustainabilise” the energy matrix of the NWE region.
Project Animation
View our project animation here
White paper: “Renewable Smart Hydrogen for a Sustainable Future”
Report: “Hydrogen: Exploring Opportunities in the Northern Ireland Energy Transition”
Academic journal: “At What Cost Can Renewable Hydrogen Offset Fossil Fuel Use in Ireland’s Gas Network?”
Academic journal: “Decarbonising city bus networks in Ireland with renewable hydrogen”
Engagement & Outreach
- Community Hydrogen Forum (CH2F)
- Hydrogen Ireland
- Hydrogen Triple Alliance
Dr. Rory Monaghan.
Email: Rory Monaghan
Photo Gallery