- Title
MarPAMM – Marine Protected Area Management and Monitoring
- Start Year
- End Year
- Funding Body
European Union’s INTERREG VA Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)
- Coordinator
MarPAMM is coordinated by the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute in Northern Ireland
- Project Partners
Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute; Marine Scotland Science; Nature Scot; University College Cork; Ulster University; Scottish Association for Marine Science; BirdWatch Ireland
- Research Area
- Website
MarPAMM aims to develop tools for monitoring and managing a number of protected coastal marine environments in Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Western Scotland. The main outputs will be six management plans:
Four regional MPA plans will be produced to achieve a managed network of MPAs:
Argyll region, Scotland
Co Down – Co Louth region, NI/RoI cross-border
North Coast – North Channel region, NI/RoI cross-border
Outer Hebrides region, Scotland
Two site-based MPA management plans will be produced covering:
Murlough SAC, NI
Carlingford Lough SPA, NI/RoI cross-border
Work Packages
WP 1: Regional seabird model
The main aims include collecting data on seabird population sizes and distributions throughout the INTERREG VA area. This monitoring will focus on key species and populations, and utilize the most appropriate methodologies and technologies to ensure that the information gathered is able to best inform the development of the management plans. Further tasks including an in-depth analysis of seabird-fisheries interactions across a number of key species and a population viability analysis to forecast the potential population-level consequences of changes in adult survival or productivity that may be expected from a range of management scenarios. Lead: Marine Scotland Science.
WP 2: A regional model of protected seabed-dwelling species and habitats
This work package will collate existing best practices for species distribution modelling to fill the information needed on the extent, fragmentation, and connectivity of benthic species and habitats of conservation importance. Producing benthic species distribution models for a number of key species and completing targeted survey work to verify models and fill gaps in the information source. Lead: Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute.
WP 3: Seal and underwater noise monitoring/modelling
This work package will analyse data on the movement of both Grey and Harbour seals and the occurrence of underwater noise within the INTERREG-VA region. Lead: Marine Scotland Science.
WP 4: A coastal processes model
Assessment of the coastal processes operating within the Murlough SAC area and outlying adjoining coastal areas in ROI (County Louth). Lead: Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute.
WP 5: MPA management plans
The overall aim of this work package is to increase capacity in and collaboration between Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Scotland for MPA management planning, and to link MPA management planning to wider, integrated marine planning and management. Lead: Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute.
Engagement and Outreach
Twitter – @MarPAMM_project