
- Title
MUSICA Project – Multiple Use of Space for Island Clean Autonomy
- Start Date
January 2020
- End date
January 2025
- Funding Body
Horizon 2020
- Project Coordinator
University College Cork
- Project Partners
University College Cork, Heriot-Watt University, University of the Aegean, Municipality of Chios, University of Malta, Coral Ltd, International Consortium of Research Staff Associations, Network of Sustainable Greek Islands, Platforma Oceania de Canarias, Innosea, Aquabiotech Ltd, NeoDyne Ltd, SinnPower Gmbh, INSB Class International, Classification Society, Forkys
- Project Manager
- Website
MUSICA will provide a full suite of Blue Growth solutions for a small island.
We are working to develop a one-stop solution in a Multi-Use Platform, which will produce electricity and fresh water using renewable power from the wind and waves.
MUSICA will provide a full suite of Blue Growth solutions for a small island including three forms of renewable energy (RE): wind, Photovoltaic (PV) and wave, innovative energy storage systems on the MUP, smart energy system for the island, desalinated water and green support services for island’s aquaculture.
The overall Aim of MUSICA will be achieved by developing a replicable smart MUP. MUSICA will advance the existing FP7 funded MUP concept developed by the University of the Aegean (UoAeg) and EcoWindWater (EWW), (MUP called EWW in this proposal), currently at TRL5, to TRL7.
The EWW floating platform was successfully trialled in Heraclea in 2010 for 2 years, funded by FP7 of €2.8M, €1.8M national funds, remainder EU ESCF Cohesion Fund).
Work Packages
WP1: Planning (UCC)
WP2: Smart ICT Design (Neodyne)
WP3: MUP Design Phase (UoAeg)
WP4: MUP Construction Phase (Coral)
WP5: Pilot Demo Stage at Innousses (Plocan)
WP6: Public Engagement (HWU)
WP7: Exploitation (UCC)
WP8: Project Coordination (UCC)
WP9: Knowledge Transfer, Dissemination and Communication (UCC)
Kevin Leyne (Project Manager)
Email: ei.ccu@enyel.nivek
Phone: +353 (0)21 486 4353
Graham Lynch (Dissemination & Communications Officer)
Email: ei.ccu@hcnylmaharg