
- Title
- Funded by
Ireland’s Marine Institute
- Principal Investigator
- Research Fellow
- Navigate has four main topic areas
Focus on Brexit, Focus on Uncertainty: Climate Proofing Policy, Joined Up Approaches, Policy and Planning Coherency
The Navigate project is a 4-year project to enhance capacity and provide policy analysis funded by Ireland’s Marine Institute. Based at UCC, Environmental Research Institute’s MaREI Centre the project brings together marine policy and law experts from MaREI and the School of Law (UCC) with the aim of integrating Ireland’s marine policies to help deliver on our national strategy for the marine, “Harnessing our Ocean Wealth”.
Focus on Brexit
Combining GIS analysis of fisheries data with economic information to identify and assess the consequences of Brexit for Irish fisheries. This topic area aims to identify future trade-offs in the fisheries industry. The work so far has focussed on stocks of mackerel and Dublin Bay Prawns and identifies the benefits of mutual cooperation in the management of these shared stocks. Watch this space for our upcoming publication in Marine Policy.
Focus on uncertainty: Climate proofing policy
Ireland faces huge challenges adapting to and mitigating the impacts of climate change – and the oceans play a vital role. MaREI is Ireland’s national Centre of excellence in Marine and Renewable Energy and hosts the national climate adaptation platform “Climate Ireland”. Navigate will perform legal and governance analysis to incorporate adaptive management and increase resilience in Ireland’s national marine policy arena
Joined up approaches
Europe’s Integrated Maritime Policy and Ireland’s national marine strategy are built on the twin pillars of good environmental status and sustainable development supported by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive.
In order to ensure Ireland can benefit from development of its vast marine territory while also ensuring environmental protection in marine waters is a major national challenge which NAVIGATE seeks to address.
Read our new paper on marine spatial planning here.
Policy and Planning Coherency
With a multitude of marine sectoral activities and a complex planning and management system, it is essential that there is coherency between national marine/maritime policies and planning mechanisms across various scales of implementation including national, sub-national, local, cross-border (with Northern Ireland), and transboundary (with Britain and wider Atlantic region). Work conducted in the Navigate project seeks to better deliver coherency including across land-sea interactions.