- Title:
Impact of sound on marine ecosystems from offshore wind energy generation (PURE WIND)
- Start Date:
01 November 2022
- End Date:
31 October 2025
- Funding Body:
JPI Oceans
- Coordinator:
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet – NTNU (Norway)
- Project Partners:
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet – NTNU (Norway); Consorcio para el diseno construccion, equipamiento y explotacion de la plataforma oceanica de Canarias – PLOCAN (Spain); Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria – ULPGC (Spain); Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – CNR (Italy); Universita degli Studi di Genova – UNIGE (Italy); University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation – TIHO (Germany); University College Cork – UCC (Ireland); Gavin and Doherty Geosolutions – GDGEO (Ireland); Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences – RBINS (Belgium); Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency – BSH (Germany); Gdynia Maritime University – UMG (Poland)
- Principal Investigators:
- Project Manager:
- Research Area:
Marine / Blue Economy
The broad scope of the work of PURE WIND will result in a broad range of impacts relevant to the operation of OWF that will be applicable to new developments in the EU governance framework and beyond. The primary science goals are to enhance our understanding of the impacts of the operational noise from OWF on the marine environment and different trophic levels of the marine food web, areas with substantial knowledge gaps. From the physical perspective, validation of the higher fidelity noise models with real world data, and the investigation of alternative propagation models, will progress the state-of-the-art related to this important discipline and support nascent research related specifically to floating wind.
Work Packages
WP 1 – Project management, communication, dissemination
WP 2 – Characterizing sounds from fixed and floating wind farms
WP 3 – Noise impacts from offshore wind energy generation across the marine food web
WP 4 – Acoustic modeling tools for integrated assessment
WP 5 – Harmonisation of regulatory policy and governance frameworks for offshore wind
Nicole Todd- Email: ei.ccu@ddot.elocin