
- Title
SmartBridge: Continuous Monitoring of Bridges in Operational Condition
- Start Date
- End Date
- Funding Body
- Coordinator
Vikram Pakrashi, UCD
- Research Partners
Alexandra Micu, UCD; Eugene Obrien, UCD,
- Project Partners
Irish Rail
- Principle Investigators
- Project Manager
- Research Area
Structural Health Monitoring
The research conducted demonstrates that a sensor-equipped train has the potential to monitor the health condition of the entire Irish railway network, bridges and track, avoiding the disruption created by traditional monitoring.
An instrumented train that operates for a long period of time over the entire network can collect a large amount of data at less expense and maintenance of the monitoring system.
This large amount of data can be used by the Irish Rail management to plan more efficient maintenance schedule and budget solutions. Moreover, this project could be scaled to any other railway network worldwide.
To establish the train as a structural health monitoring probe and to create a numerical and experimental evidence base around it.
Work Packages
WP1: Theoretical Ideation and Development
WP2 Implementation and Monitoring of Developed Idea
WP3 Analyses and Benchmarking
WP4 Guidelines and Recommendations
D1.1 Conference paper on theoretical ideation
D2.1 Report on Experimental Implementation
D3.1 Paper on method development
D3.2 Paper on benchmarking
D4.1 Industrial protocol
Please check out SmartBridge from 2021 summer
Engagement and Outreach
End-of-project industrial talk “SmartBridge: Using the Train as a Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) Probe” 18/02/2021
Prof. Vikram Pakrashi,
Email – ei.dcu@ihsarkaP.markiV
Photo Gallery