Research Assistant – FLEX4FACT
Applications are invited for a 6 month Research Assistant to join the MaREI centre in UCC to support the EU Horizon Project FLEX4FACT under the leadership of Dr. Dominic O’Sullivan, School of Engineering, UCC. MaREI is a key research centre within UCC’s Environmental Research Institute (ERI) which is an internationally recognised Institute for environmental research dedicated to the understanding and protection of our natural environment and to developing innovative technologies, tools and services to facilitate a transformation to a zero carbon and resource-efficient society. The MaREI Centre is an SFI-funded research centre headquartered in the ERI and includes 12 other Universities and Third Level Institutes from across Ireland, has 50 industrial partners and has research funding of approximately €60m. It combines the expertise of a wide range of research groups and industry partners, with the shared mission of solving the main scientific, technical and socio-economic challenges across the climate, energy and marine spaces.
The role will report directly to the Principal Investigator for the FLEX4FACT project within UCC. The overarching objective of the FLEX4FACT project is to develop an end-to-end ecosystem that adopts a modular approach to enable flexible production in industry and create the conditions for the necessary energy transition in which all stakeholders can participate and benefit.
The Research Assistant will support the technical implementation of the project with specific attention to Energy Stream Process Mapping.
Project Title: FLEX4FACT
Post Duration: 6 Months
Salary: €30,025 – €39,908 p.a. (IUA Research Assistant Salary Scale)
For an information package including further details of the post see https://ore.ucc.ie/.
Informal enquiries can be made in confidence to Dr. Dominic O’Sullivan, School of Engineering, Tel: + 353 (0) 21 4205134; Email: ei.ccu@navilluso.cinimod
Applications must be submitted online via the University College Cork vacancy portal (https://ore.ucc.ie/). Queries relating to the online application process should be referred to ei.ccu@tnemtiurcer, quoting the job-title and project name.
Candidates should apply, in confidence, before 12 noon (Irish Local Time) on Thursday 7th March 2024.
No late applications will be accepted.