ERBE Student Led Conference 2025

SAVE THE DATE: Our Student Led Conference this year takes place in Cork, on April 3rd.

Students and Staff from MaREI, Loughborough and University College London are looking froward to an informative meeting where students are encouraged to present their research.

The theme for the conference is  ‘ERBE’s Contribution to a Sustainable Future and Societal Change’ and this  year all presenters are encouraged to link their research to the  UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in their posters.

In addition,  we are delighted to collaborate with ASHRAE Ireland and the winners of their Student Poster Competition which is open to all students will be presented with their prizes on the day. 

Our student committee are very busy confirming the agenda and the Keynote Speakers, further details to follow…

Colloquium 2024- University College London

Our 2024 ERBE Colloquium was held in University College London on November 13th. Very well attended by all the ERBE students from Loughborough, UCL and MaREI, it was an excellent opportunity for our students to network and present their research. Well done to all our MaREI ERBE students who presented posters on the day and a huge congratulations to Talie and Eoin, who delivered excellent speaker presentations on their research to date to the full ERBE CDT cohort and visiting guests and alumni. 

Viva Success – ERBE CDT

Congratulations to UCC ERBE students, Shahnewaz Siddiqque, Orlaith McGinley and Nima Najafi Ziarani who recently successfully defended their thesis. 

Learn more

ERBE Summer School 2024

The ERBE Summer School took place in June in UCC and took the format of a series of workshops led by Prof. Brian Norton. The aim of the Summer School was to train the students in producing a paper provisionally entitled “Methodological challenges in research on energy resilience of the built environment.” 

Students reviewed the relevant literature to determine key issues that need to be considered to ensure methodologies used are fit-for-purpose.

If approved the resulting paper will be co-authored by all contributing workshop participants.

As part of the Summer School, the students also had a buildings tour of UCC and a visit to the LIR National Ocean Testing Facility in Ringaskiddy which was very informative for all attendees.


The ERBE CDT is supported by the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).