MaREI has achieved significant success in EU and national funding programmes, which facilitates our cooperation with numerous partners from industry, academia and government across 31 countries. MaREI’s portfolio of projects demonstrates our successful track record in high-impact collaborative research, comprising our participation – as partner and coordinator – in all pillars of H2020, as well as in all strands of INTERREG, and the programmes of other European agencies.
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Robotic Vessels as-a-Service
The project 'Robotic Vessels as-a-Service' (RoboVaaS) aims to make maritime operations in coastal waters safer by integrating and networking smaller USV and UUV efficiently and to offer new services for shipping.
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EUMarineRobots (EUMR) proposes an access-infrastructure for the deployment of a full-range of aerial, surface, and sub-surface marine robotic assets, the combined value of which is far greater than the sum of their parts.
Read moreEFACE (ElectroFuels in A Circular Economy)
EFACE investigates the development of a Power to Gas facility, to introduce electrofuels in the form of hydrogen and methane to the Cork Lower Harbour, providing storage for electricity generated from wind turbines at times when demand for electricity is low.
Read moreCAPACITY (Climate Action Pathways & Absorptive Capacity)
The CAPACITY project will further develop and update tools to facilitate insights and robust decision making about the appropriate long-term decarbonisation pathway for Ireland.
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