Science Week & Cork Science Festival 2022

This year Science Week will ‘explore the infinite possibilities of science’.

As a society, we have shown our resilience and ability to withstand adversity, bouncing back from difficult challenges we face in our daily lives and as a collective. Science is an important part of a shared better future – helping us to understand our world, inspiring new opportunities, and providing potential solutions. From the infinite variety of our amazing planet and the adaptability of nature, to our ability to face the unexpected, the possibilities are endless. 

Celebrate Science, the Cork Science Festival community open day takes place on Sunday, November 13th from 11am-5pm at UCC’s Western Gateway Building.  The event will feature a number of shows and workshops for all ages which can be pre-booked here, as well as a host of interactive exhibition stands and activities which run throughout the day.  Meet UCC researchers working on environmental issues like climate change, air pollution, renewable energy, and marine ecosystems, and try out interactive activities, models and experiments.  Learn more about the natural world, the environmental challenges we face, and what we can all do to live more sustainably.  

Climate Conversation Cards

*Created by MaREI researchers at NUI Galway, Clare Noone and Adriana Cardinot

These Climate Conversation Cards can be used to start a group discussion on climate change and actions that can be taken. They are designed to be accessible for children aged 10-16years but can also be used by older audiences! They can be grouped into both challenges and solutions (8 of each) which can be divided up and given to groups to discuss and feedback to the class.

Centre for Ocean Energy Research (COER)

The Centre for Ocean Energy Research (COER) at Maynooth University will celebrate Science Week by welcoming hundreds of primary school children on campus to discover wave energy as well as several other displays from robotics to communications.

The event will be held on 18th November from 6.30 pm to 8 pm.  The children will be invited to try out our interactive wave tanks; one with a point absorber WEC and one with an Oscillating Water Column with 3 turbine types. The children will be given the challenge of generating waves that maximise the power captured.  They will also have access to a number of early-stage researchers for questions and answers.

For more information contact

Added activities include a climate quiz, posters, role plays, videos for other classes, or designing a survey or a class debate around the topics. The Cards can be used in conjunction with the Green Schools resources on Climate Change.

If you are a teacher and would like to request a video call with MaREI for your class to learn more about climate action, discuss your ideas, and do some activities you can contact ei.ccu@enaed.efioa.

You can find a full listing of all Science Week activities at SFI – Science Week and  Cork Science Festival.

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