The European Atlas of the Seas Workshop
The EMODnet Secretariat has organised an online workshop on the European Atlas of the Seas in the framework of the EMODnet Open Conference.
The interactive workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to learn about the many different aspects of the Atlas, from the story behind map layers to how the Atlas can be used in education and ocean literacy.
The workshop is open to everyone and is free to attend. Whether you are just discovering the European Atlas of the Seas or you are already a user looking for further information, join us on 16 June!
Click here to register.
Session 1: The European Atlas of the Seas – A window on the ocean, seas and coasts
14:00-14:05 Opening keynote
14:05-14:15 Why are the ocean, the seas and coasts so important to us?
By Easkey Britton, Surfer and Marine Social Scientist
14:15-14:30 Introduction to the European Atlas of the Seas: Dive in and explore your ocean!
By Nathalie Van Isacker, EMODnet Secretariat
14:30-14:55 Panel discussion: Discover the story behind the Atlas’ map layers!
Presentation by Tim Collart, EMODnet Secretariat
Panelists: European Atlas of the Seas Data Providers TBC; Sheila García Martínez, Clara Becares & Josu Olaso Imaz, Bilbomatica
14:55-15:05 The European Atlas of the Seas and Ocean Literacy: engaging a general audience
By Iwona Gin, Nausicaá
15:05-15:15 A dynamic interactive tool: How can you follow developments and learn more?
By Nathalie Van Isacker, EMODnet Secretariat
15:15-15:30 Questions and closing of the first session
Session 2: The European Atlas of the Seas – A great educational tool
15:45-15:55 The Teachers’ Corner: How can you use the Atlas in the classroom?
By Nathalie Van Isacker, EMODnet Secretariat
15:55-16:05 Integrating the Atlas in schoolwork: teachers’ experiences and advice
By Patrícia Conceição, Direção-Geral de Política do Mar, Portugal
16:05-16:15 Joining the Network of European Blue Schools
16:15-16:45 Panel discussion: From a passion for the ocean to a blue future
Ilda Carinhas, Vialonga School, Escola Azul (3´)
Maria João Amaro, Josefa de Óbidos School, Escola Azul (3´)
Other panellists TBC
16:45-17:00 Questions and closing of the second session