University College Cork – World’s top sustainability institution

MaREI Director & Associate Vice-President of Sustainability at University College Cork Professor Brian Ó Gallachóir spoke to University World News about UCC’s sustainability journey to date and ambitious future plans.


University College Cork (UCC) in Ireland estimates that it has protected the environment from nearly half a million single use cups, either plastic or paper, to date by banning them from the beginning of the year.

Their absence is not the only evidence of the drive towards a ‘Green Campus’ which has rightly been described as “student-led, research-informed and practice-focused”. Watch out for the bin-free offices next year and more besides.

First Associate Vice-President of Sustainability Professor Brian Ó Gallachóir told University World News that the students began the ‘Green Journey’ some years back and then “the university leadership bought into and supported it”.

Read the full article here.