Webinar – Innovation for a Green Future
You can watch the webinar recording below:
World Intellectual Property Day 2020 – Innovation for a Green Future – How intellectual property can support the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy.
Carving a pathway to a green future is a modern-day imperative. The 2020 World Intellectual Property Day campaign puts innovation – and the rights that support it – at the heart of the efforts to shape a low-carbon future. Across the world, recognition of the need to act to preserve the environment is growing. People, businesses and governments are starting to take action to tackle climate change.
Hear from our expert panel of contributors:
- Marc Sedam – Chair of AUTM; a community comprised of more than 3,000 members who work in more than 800 universities, research centres, hospitals, businesses and government organisations around the globe
- Rich Ferrie – Director of Innovation, University College Cork, Ireland
- Ray Alcorn – CEO Exceedance
This webinar will explore the importance of Intellectual Property, work being done right now to support Collaboration across Academia and Business in solving problems associated with COVID – 19, current progress and opportunities in IP & Green Innovation and Innovating for a Green Future.
This will be an interesting, discursive and thought provoking event with audience interaction encouraged through online Q&A.
Those registered will receive an access link by email before the event.