Webinar: Offshore Wind Development and Underwater Noise Finding the Right Approach for Ireland

October 8, 2024 11:00 am

Green Tech Skillnet is hosting and supporting an online webinar on underwater noise (UWN) which UCC, MaREI and Wind Energy Ireland have jointly developed.

Date: Tuesday, 8th October 2024
Time: 11:00 – 13:00 
Venue: Online (via Microsoft Teams) 

Register here.

Ireland has ambitious offshore wind targets set out by the Climate Action Plan to reach 20 GW of offshore wind by 2040 and 37 GW by 2050. As the Phase 1 projects progress through the planning system, and as the next phase located within in the south coast DMAP moves closer towards an ORESS auction, work is underway to develop updated guidance for the management of underwater noise particularly with respect to the assessment, monitoring and mitigation of any potential risks to marine mammals. There are different approaches to the management of underwater noise across Europe and considerable variability in data availability, marine conditions and species distributions in different bodies of water. Finding the right approach for Ireland needs to take all of this into account to ensure that any new guidance will be fit for purpose, and ongoing cross sectoral collaboration and stakeholder engagement will continue to be an essential element for successful outcomes.

This expert panel of speakers joining from their offshore wind industry, environmental NGO, consultancy, research and academia roles including MaREI’s Gerry Sutton have been brought together to share their perspectives and discuss where Ireland is today with the management of underwater noise, the challenges and opportunities ahead with different approaches, and what may be needed to bridge the gap to be able to implement new UWN guidance for Ireland to best support both the protection of marine life and the development of ORE to reach our climate targets. 

Register here.