Wind Farm End-of-Life Conference
The Second Wind Value Conference will take place on 29th May 2024 in the Ellen Hutchins Building, Lee Road, Cork T23 XE10 (subject to change). The topic will be the choices facing wind farms at the end of their planning permission or their end-of-life, these are: decommissioning, life extension and repowering. This raises questions about planning consent and financial decision making, both of which will be addressed at the conference. We will also have an update from repurposing activity since the first conference.
This will be a hybrid event. If you wish to reserve a place for either in-person or online attendance please send an email to ei.eulavdniw@ecnerefnoc
More details are available here.
Here is a draft schedule for the day, note this may change.
1:00 | Paul Leahy, UCC | Welcome |
1:10 | Dorcas Mikindani, UCC | End-of-Life Choices |
1:30 | Angie Nagle, Blade Bridge | Repurposing of Wind Turbine Blades |
2:00 | Brendan O’Sullivan, UCC | The Situation in Ireland |
2:30 | Peter Deeney, UCC | Workshop on Optionality of Planning |
3:00 | Coffee Break | |
3:30 | Carla De Laurentis, UWE | The Situation in Italy |
4:00 | Rebecca Windemer, Regen | The Situation in the UK |
4:30 | Panel | Questions and Discussions |
5:30 | Peter Deeney, UCC | Conclusions and Thanks |